Worship God Together
Sunday Service
02/03/25 Service at St Andrew’s URC, London Road – 11am
(No service at Grange)
09/03/25 Service at Tilehurst URC, Armour Road, Tilehurst – 10am
Preacher: Mrs Nancy Quinnel
16/03/25 Preacher: Rev Stephen Thornton
Holy Communion
23/03/25 Service at Tilehurst URC, Armour Road, Tilehurst – 10am
Preacher: Mr Scott Wheeler
Holy Communion
30/03/25 Preacher: Mr Norman Lindsey
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!"
Wed 5th 3pm Café Alive
Thu 6th 2.30pm Grange Fellowship
Sun 9th 10am Service at Tilehurst URC
Wed 12th 3pm Café Alive
Sat 15th 10.30am Monthly coffee morning
Sun 16th 10.30am Service including Holy Communion Rev Stephen Thornton
Wed 19th 3pm Café Alive
Sun 23rd 10am Service at Tilehurst URC
Wed 26th 3pm Café Alive
Thu 27th 7.30pm Elders meeting
Sun 30th 10:30am Service with Mr Norman Lindsey
The opening times of Café Alive are Wednesday afternoons from 3pm to 4.30pm in term time
United Reformed Church, Reading